Improve Your Vision The Natural Way

Good eyesight is essential in every aspect of your life. So, it's troubling when your vision starts to fail. You may be able to improve your eyesight without medication or any other prescription methods. There are a variety of natural remedies that can help you work towards the goal. Here are some of the natural measures you can take to improve your vision.  Rest Your Eyes If you spend a large part of your day looking at a computer screen, you should take frequent breaks throughout the day to protect your eyesight. [Read More]

Just Got an Office Job? Get an Eye Exam To Optimize Your Computer Vision

While going through college, you may not have spent much time on a computer in a single session. This is something that you can expect to change when you get an office job. These jobs will have you sitting at a desk in front of a computer monitor for around eight hours per day. Although you will have lunch and breaks, you will still spend long stretches working at a computer, so it's important to optimize your computer vision. [Read More]

Ways To Help Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Your eyes are a very important organ in your body that requires just as much attention and care as other organs such as your heart, lungs, or liver. You probably exercise to help stay fit or eat healthy to support good digestion, so what about your eyes, what do you do for them? In a technological age where everyone is on some sort of tech device throughout most of the day, your eyes are getting strained more than ever, requiring you to take proper care of your eyes. [Read More]

Three Good Ways To Use Up Your Flexible Spending Health Dollars On Eye Care Needs

The year is coming to an end, and for many employees, that means you only have a little time to use up all of the funds in your healthcare flexible spending account before they go away. Don't let those dollars go to waste! This year, use them to better your eye health care. Here are three ideas to get you started. Purchase some UV-blocking sunglasses. Not all sunglasses are created equal. [Read More]